Saturday, November 17, 2007

Blue Like Jazz

So, I'm ready "Blue Like Jazz." Officially, it's for the second time. But the first time I read it was years ago when it first came out. I was in seminary, and didn't really pay attention, or even finish it. So, it's my first true read. I've not been the biggest fan of Donald Miller, but his book is having a deep impact on me, despite my best intentions. His story of the confession booth has really got me wondering what I, we, can do here in Shelbyville to re-engage our culture. Is there a high school version of that? I'm not sure. His emphasis on prayer over program is convicting, yet I know it's true. And his letter in his play from a husband to a wife is utterly slamming me right now. How can a single guy teach me about being a better husband? Geez, it must be Jesus again. I have to admit, if you are one of the other three people besides myself in the U.S. who haven't yet read the book, you really should.

1 comment:

Justin Douglas said...


I thought you didn't like Donald Miller. Dude that is awesome that the book had a good effect on you once you gave it a chance, I thought it was great myself.
